Fig Tree Pocket – Transformed!!

What a difference a New Carport, Lounge room, Pool and outdoor Patio area can make to a property!!
We were contacted by this family to design and price up some changes that they were looking to make. They had commissioned an architect to design the concept and had received quotes from builders based on the plans created. These quotes were scary to say the least. A tight construction budget was an issue for this project and the Architects design was a costly one. After getting some quotes the owners were open to scaling things back a bit. ENTER ADAPTIT GROUP!! When Adaptit got involved we used products and designs that kept the project more affordable. We set out to re-design the entire carport and patio areas to keep in line with our quality Stratco products and building processes.
CARPORT PROJECT – The original Carport designed was a weatherboard clad, timber framed, tiled roof dutch gable. We changed the design to a Stratco Heritage Dutch Gable carport (all steel). We then included Aluminium Slat gates & walling, weatherboard cladding and a Sectional Garage Door to close the carport and make it lockable. A retaining wall was built with steps leading up from the carport to the front of the house. There is over 200 square metres of concrete driveway and slab all poured by Eddie our fabulous Concretor.
PATIO PROJECT – The original architects design involved re-designing and re-building the house roof to incorporate the new patio area. We decided on a different train of thought. With a flyover insulated roof installed over the existing house roof, the owners will have plenty of height under the roof (ceiling fans were required) and a low maintenance (no painting) option. We angled the patio up towards North also to allow for extra sun penetration in the winter time.
LOUNGE ROOM – The existing garage was to be changed to a Lounge Room now that the Double Garage is being built at the front of the property. New Slab, walls and windows were done by the Adaptit Team to reclaim this part of the home. The owners were happy to paint and tile/carpet to finish this space when we were finished.